Never have I ever, since I’ve been married and had kids taken a vacation all by myself. It was perfect. It was 4 days of no changing diapers, no making lunch, no one hogging my bed with knees in my back, no one asking for a snack, no one calling my name just because they like the way it sounds when they say it faster. It was just me.

I left right after dropping the kids off at school on Thursday morning, and took a very slow drive toward 30A, to some of the most beautiful beaches and white sand in Florida. I blasted my 90’s R&B music the whole way over, switching from one classic to the next, even missed a few turns, but hey, no rush was I in.

I must be honest. This was not my idea, I would have never come up with a plan to leave the kids with anyone for 4 days. It was actually my husband’s idea, and although I was a little skeptical that he could handle things and hold down the fort, I went for it. To my surprise I returned to a spotless home (spotless because they also took a rode trip) and 3 kids who barely even knew I was gone.

It rained 90% of my trip and I didn’t get out much, but it gave me much needed time for rest and rejuvenation and quite a bit to reflect upon.

Here’s my list of things I learned about myself while away, by myself:

As an introvert, being alone refuels me more than it “hides” me from the crowd

I will reward myself often and find the teaching moments in my less that favorable decisions and outcomes

Every now and then, indulge

Turn off the alarm and cancel the agenda

Slow down and enjoy the sights, and sounds of nature

Stop. Breathe. And rest.

Cherish the moments with my children. People will tell you they don’t last long, and I for one will miss the craziness of life at this stage

Trust and relinquish the control

The kids are fine! The kids will be fine!

Don’t sweat the small stuff. I know you’re supposed to learn this in your first year of marriage, don’t judge me, I needed a refresher

Because I really had no idea this was true, I have forgotten how to ride a bike!

For the first time in a long time, I dated myself. Sounds weird, I know but I would encourage everyone to try it. I put on real clothes, makeup and heels. I took selfies and ordered everything on the menu that I’d been dying to try. I stopped by the beach for a late night stroll, went back to my hotel, popped some popcorn and fell asleep watching Coming to America on the couch. Best. Date. Ever.

I took an even slower ride back home, preparing and planning for round 2.

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