I’m a recovering shopaholic (I mostly shop for the kids and the house these days), but that doesn’t stop me from looking for a great deal.

Check back regularly to see great bargains and to see what’s literally “sitting” in my shopping cart.

This week’s Target finds

In the words of a phenomenal First Lady, “When they go low, we go high.” I had to grab this Michelle Obama-inspired sweatshirt fit for a queen for just $13.

This week’s Target finds

Who am I kidding? Peanut M&M’s are on every week’s Target finds. But after the year we’ve just had and the recent events at our nation’s Capitol, I thought this tee was fitting. Did I mention it was only $5? This is my wish for our country: Hope, Unity, and Love.

I picked up a nice read for my first little reader titled Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History.

In my cart…

It’s not Target this week, but it’s another fan favorite. I recently started to redo my living room and dining room and needed to change up the walls. A friend told me about mixtiles, and now I am in love. They have various styles to choose from, low prices, and quick turnaround. My favorite part is that they give your wall and photos a uniform look and add so much to any room.